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Section A

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Saved by Shamiana Pond
on November 13, 2012 at 11:51:19 am






100     Branch and independent libraries ā€“ Exclude main or central library ______________






Items 200-207:

  Column (1): FTE numbers are from Fall semester, 2012

To compute FTEs for part-time employees and student assistants, take the TOTAL number of hours worked per week by part-time employees and divide it by the number of hours in the library's full-time work week (e.g., 60 hours per week of part-time work divided by 35 hours per full-time week equals 1.71 FTE. Data should be reported to two decimal places.  

  Column (2): Dollar amounts are from Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2011- June 30, 2012)




200     Librarians (1)_________________



 Item 200: Count librarians who possess an MLS or equivalent and whose duties require an MLS or equivalent.  Must be faculty (including Chief Librarians) or HEOs.




201     Other professional staff (1)_________________



 Item 201: Count anyone covered by PSC who is not included in Item 200 above (for example, CLTs and HEOs).




202     Total librarians and other professional staff

(sum items 200 and 201) (1)_________________  (2)$_________________



203     All other paid staff (except student assistants) (1)_________________  (2)$_________________



 Item 203: Support Staff includes almost all other unionized workers: COAs, Gittlesons, ISAs, and CAs who are NOT CUNY students.




204     Student assistants from all funding sources (1)_________________  (2)$_________________



 Item 204: Student Assistants are work study students, student aides, and CAs who ARE currently CUNY students.




205     Total full-time equivalent (FTE) staff

(sum items 202, 203 and 204) (1)_________________  (2)$_________________



206     Are employee fringe benefits paid from the library budget?

If no, select ā€œNā€ and skip to item 300 _____ (Yes/No)



 Item 206: answer should be "No" for all CUNY Libraries.



207     Employee fringe benefits (if paid from library budget) $_______________



 Item 207: Leave blank if possible otherwise answer should be $ 0. 




Go on to Section B 


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