For items 300-311, report local expenditures (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012) only; Central Office spending is not included in the ALS survey.
Items 301 and 302 are included in Item 300. Item 304 is included in Item 303. |
205 Total salaries and wages (from previous page): $_______________
Information resources:
300 One-time purchases of books, serial backfiles and other materials $_______________
Be sure to include any end-of-year one-time purchases in all formats.
301 Electronic $ ________________
Item 301: see ALS Instructions. Include purchases of e-books and e-journal backfiles. This is a subset of 300. |
302 Audiovisual $ ________________
Item 302: see ALS Instructions. Include one-time expenditures for media and sound collections (music CDs, videotapes, video DVDs, Blu-ray, slides, sound files, etc.) This is a subset of 300. |
303 Ongoing commitments to serial subscriptions $_______________
Item 303: Includes both print and electronic subscriptions and annual access fees. Also includes local campus contributions to CUNY Central subscriptions such as Ebrary and ScienceDirect (Note: ScienceDirect was a journal transfer in FY2012). |
304 Electronic serials $ ________________
Item 304: Local electronic resource expenditures, excluding one-time monograph purchases, and electronic backfiles. See instructions; remember to include: access fees, subscriptions to ScienceDirect, locally subscribed databases, streaming video and individual e-subscriptions (use your ERAC spreadsheet as a guide. Exclude Serials Solutions which is reported under question 307). This is a subset of 303.
Estimate your individual e-journal subscriptions from EBSCO and any other vendors. Count print and online as online. EBSCONet Summary of Publications can be used. Make sure to request only your Ebsco sub-account for individual titles, typically the 00 account.
Other information resources:
305 Document delivery/interlibrary loan $_______________
Item 305: Be sure to include your OCLC ILL fees. See ALS instructions. |
306 Preservation $ _______________
Item 306: see ALS instructions. Include binding, contract binding, archival supplies, and preservation-related digitization costs. |
307 Other expenditures for information resources $ _______________
Item 307: see ALS instructions. Include copyright fees and fees for maps, database searches, QuestionPoint, etc. Federated Search and Serials Solutions should be included here. |
Operating expenditures:
308 Computer hardware and software (include maintenance) $ _______________
Item 308: see ALS instructions. Include monies from your library budget, tech fee money, and any other money assigned to library. Subscriptions to LibGuides should be included here. |
309 Bibliographic utilities, networks and consortia $ _______________
Item 309: Be sure to include OCLC costs (minus ILL), and membership fees (e.g. METRO and CRL).
310 All other operating expenditures $ _______________
Item 310: In essence, everything from the library budget not included anywhere above. See ALS instructions. |
311 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (sum 205, 300, 303 and 305 through 310) $ _______________
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