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Section B

Page history last edited by Shamiana Pond 11 years, 9 months ago




For items 300-311, report local expenditures (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012) only; Central Office spending is not included in the ALS survey.

Items 301 and 302 are included in Item 300.
Item 304 is included in Item 303.




205     Total salaries and wages (from previous page):      $_______________



Information resources:


300     One-time purchases of books, serial backfiles and other materials      $_______________



Be sure to include any end-of-year one-time purchases in all formats.




301          Electronic  $ ________________


 Item 301: see ALS Instructions.  Include purchases of e-books and e-journal backfiles. This is a subset of 300.



302          Audiovisual  $ ________________


 Item 302: see ALS Instructions.  Include one-time  expenditures for media and sound collections (music CDs, videotapes, video DVDs, Blu-ray, slides, sound files, etc.) This is a subset of 300.




303     Ongoing commitments to serial subscriptions      $_______________


 Item 303: Includes both print and electronic subscriptions and annual access fees. Also includes local campus contributions to CUNY Central subscriptions such as Ebrary and ScienceDirect (Note: ScienceDirect was a journal transfer in FY2012).



     304          Electronic serials  $ ________________


 Item 304: Local electronic resource expenditures, excluding one-time monograph purchases, and electronic backfiles. See instructions; remember to include: access fees, subscriptions to ScienceDirect, locally subscribed databases, streaming video and individual e-subscriptions (use your ERAC spreadsheet as a guide. Exclude Serials Solutions which is reported under question 307).  This is a subset of 303.

  Estimate your individual e-journal subscriptions from EBSCO and any other vendors. Count print and online as online. EBSCONet Summary of Publications can be used. Make sure to request only your Ebsco sub-account for individual titles, typically the 00 account.





Other information resources:


305     Document delivery/interlibrary loan      $_______________


 Item 305: Be sure to include your OCLC ILL fees.  See ALS instructions.



306     Preservation      $ _______________


 Item 306: see ALS instructions.  Include binding, contract binding, archival supplies, and preservation-related digitization costs.



307     Other expenditures for information resources      $ _______________


 Item 307: see ALS instructions.  Include copyright fees and fees for maps, database searches, QuestionPoint, etc. Federated Search and Serials Solutions should be included here.




Operating expenditures:


308     Computer hardware and software (include maintenance)      $ _______________


 Item 308: see ALS instructions.  Include monies from your library budget, tech fee money, and any other money assigned to library. Subscriptions to LibGuides should be included here.



309     Bibliographic utilities, networks and consortia      $ _______________


 Item 309: Be sure to include OCLC costs (minus ILL), and membership fees (e.g.  METRO  and CRL).



310     All other operating expenditures      $ _______________


 Item 310: In essence, everything from the library budget not included anywhere above.  See ALS instructions.




311     TOTAL EXPENDITURES (sum 205, 300, 303 and 305 through 310)      $ _______________


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