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Section D

Page history last edited by mberger@... 11 years, 7 months ago


Note: See ALS instructions for exclusions and definitions



Interlibrary loans and documents provided to other libraries:

Item 500 (Returnable) includes books, videos, cds, etc.
Item 501 (Non-returnable) includes periodical articles, book chapters, etc.


500 Returnable _________


501 Non-returnable _________


502 Total provided (sum of items 500 and 501) _________



Interlibrary loans and documents received:


503 Returnable _________


504 Non-returnable _________


505 Documents received from commercial services _________


506 Total received (sum of items 503, 504 and 505) _________





507 General circulation transactions _________

Report the number of items lent from the general collection (all formats). Include both initial transactions and renewals. "General" means circulating materials. Work with the totals from the spreadsheet and remove reserve and any other item statuses that does not circulate.



508 Reserve circulation transactions _________


  Include electronic reserve transactions



 For questions 507 and 508, please use your own numbers or see the Circulation Statistics Spreadsheet. It was provided by the Office of Library Services.


Information services to groups:


509 Number of presentations _________

For credit-bearing courses, count each session as a presentation.   



510 Total attendance at all presentations _________

Count students in a credit-bearing course only once. 



511 Total Information services to individuals __________ 


   This is an annual total.  If you know the actual annual total, use that. But if sampling, extrapolate based on a typical mid-semester week in Fall 2011 and multiply by 40 weeks to estimate total annual transactions.  Be sure to include email and chat reference (for example, QuestionPoint). Can use ACRL 2011 question #32 data. (mb)





Number in a typical week:


600 Number of weekly public service hours __________


601 Gate count in a typical week __________




Does your library provide the following? (Yes/No):


700 Documents digitized by the library staff ____


701 Library reference service by e-mail or the Web ____


702 Technology to assist patrons with disabilities (e.g., TDD, specially equipped

work stations) ____


703 Electronic theses and dissertations produced by your students ____





Does your postsecondary institution have the following, or has it done the following? (Yes/No):


800 Has your postsecondary institution articulated student learning/student success outcomes?
      If no, select "n" and skip 801


801 Is information literacy incorporated in the institution's student learning/student success outcomes?




900 Does your library support virtual reference services?

If no, select "N" and skip 901 thru 904.


If yes, does your library utilize any of the following and does it collect usage statistics from any of the virtual reference utilities?


If you keep usage stats for any of the items in 901-904, you may answer yes.  


901 E-mail reference _____ 


902 Chat reference, commercial service (e.g. QuestionPoint, Tutor.com) _____


903 Chat reference, instant messaging applications (e.g. Meebo) _____


904 Short message service (SMS) or text messaging ______


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